We are so thrilled when you show us your support by becoming part of the family when you purchase your very own Chelsea Noir handbags.
All our stories and posts are a great way to keep up to date with all we do and offer.
Thank you for all the love you show us and for helping in growing the brand organically. Here is some way to help us grow.
- Follow us on social media this not only helps us reach more people but we can show the world how beautiful our brand is. This is also a great way to keep up to date with all our new products.
- This is an organic way to grow and expand to reach other accounts that may want to collaborate with us. We love working with other brands. Please get in touch if you would like to collaborate.
- Keep up to date with “how to wear your bag” we share stories to show you how to wear your bag and what fashion accessories work best. Each and outfit is completed with accessories such as bags, shoes, jewelry.
- Give us a shoutout to show us your love and show everyone your following how beautiful the brand is.
- Post your bags tag us in we would love to see how you wearing your bags.
- This is a platform for us to shout about how the brand was made and developed. This is our way of telling you our story and any further developments we have coming up.
By showing small businesses your love and support will help each and every brand grow.